Friday, June 25, 2010

WOCC Beautifies Amethyst Apartments

The women of the WOCC, Women of Color Connection at Chase, truly understand the importance of having a place to live that you can be proud of-- they understand how to make a house a home.

Previously, these ladies took it upon themselves to furnish and decorate an entire apartment for a family at Amethyst. The ladies worked hard to secure some additional funding and then asked Amethyst, "How else can we help?" The women were asked to roll up their sleeves and help plant, mulch and beautify one of the apartment buildings that was in need of some care. They took on the challenge with energy and smiles, realizing how important it is to have a home you can be proud of and care about. The women gave up hours and hours of free time to plan and design the new courtyard of the apartments. They met at 8:00 a.m on a Saturday morning to lay mulch, plant and pull weeds.

Thanks to the ladies of the WOCC the women of Amethyst have a more beautiful space to come home to! Click here to see a slideshow of pictures from the project!

Special thanks to:

Linda Alexander
Aureus Griffith
Kristie Hollinger


  1. Special thanks to Linda's family for coming out to help with this project as well! You were all a great help!

  2. Teresa Rios-BishopJune 30, 2010 at 11:20 AM

    And don't forget they braved the rain too!
